Best Dog Breeds

This report examines the SEO tactics used by those businesses ranking for 'Livestock Guardian Dogs'.

Livestock Guardian Dogs

LGDs (livestock guardian dogs) are a specific breed of working dog designed to protect livestock from predators such as bears, wolves, or coyotes. These dogs are highly valued for their strength and intelligence as well as their ability to work alongside their human handlers. There are many breeds of livestock guard dogs that can be utilized, such as: -Great Pyrenees Great Pyrenees are a large-sized breed with a long, thick coat and a muscular build. Due to their size and strength they are excellent to guard livestock against predators. They are gentle and tranquil and frequently serve as livestock guardian dogs. Anatolian Shepherd: Anatolian Shepherds are a large-sized breed. They have a long , thick coat and are strong. They are known for being highly athletic, intelligent and secure. They are often used to defend livestock from predators and are commonly used as livestock guard dogs. Komondor: Komondors are a large-sized breed that has a long, robust, corded coat, and strong build. They are renowned for their athleticism, intelligence and protective qualities. They often serve as livestock guardian dogs due to their capacity to protect livestock from predators. They are usually trained to assist their handlers in livestock guardian dog duties. They can be utilized in a variety of settings like farms, ranches and pastures. To ensure they behave well and are secure around other animals, they need to be socialized and trained. They need regular workouts and mental stimulation in order to be healthy and happy.







SEO Road Map - Sunday January 01, 2023

Livestock Guardian Dogs        #35

Factor ID Factor Name To Be Above Average To Take the Lead
ENT000a Number of Entities Used Add 34 more.Add 48 more.
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag Add 706 more.Add 1360 more.
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags Add 5 more.Add 7 more.
ENT018 Entities in Sentences Add 342 more.Add 525 more.
CP492b Unabridged Word Count Add 3055 more.Add 4542 more.
CP492 Word Count Add 2706 more.Add 4229 more.
CP469a Exact Match in Sentences Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
CPJLD014 Has JSON-LD Article Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag Add 5 more.Add 18 more.
CP418 Number of Forms Add 2 more.
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags Add 4 more.Add 11 more.
CPJLD198 Has JSON-LD Person Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags Add 4 more.
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags Add 14 more.Add 25 more.
CP313 Has Privacy Policy Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags Add 899 more.Add 1818 more.
CP228 Has Meta Robots Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP481b Word Count in Meta Description Tag Add 7 more.
CP380 Meta Description Length Add 36 more.
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 3 more.
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag Add 6 more.
CP468 Number of Sentences Add 51 more.Add 77 more.
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 13 more.Add 22 more.
QS004 Number of Questions In Headings Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags Add 14 more.Add 23 more.
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags Add 13 more.Add 22 more.
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text Add 4 more.Add 27 more.
QS012 Headings Has Question Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
QS003 Number of Questions Add 5 more.Add 10 more.
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links Add 316 more.Add 636 more.
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPXR24 Number of P Tags Add 2 more.Add 8 more.
CP426 Number of Images Add 7 more.Add 36 more.
CP435 Number of Links Add 321 more.Add 644 more.
QS007 Number of Questions In H3 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text Add 4 more.Add 10 more.
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag Add 4 more.Add 22 more.
CP345 Has Terms of Service Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag Add 1 more.Add 3 more.
CP235 Has Meta Viewport Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP126a Exact Match in A Tags Add 5 more.
ENT012 Has Entities in H1 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP319 Has Schema Markup Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT002 Entities in H1 Tags Add 6 more.Add 7 more.
CP481a Word Count in Title Tag Add 5 more.
CP443 Number of Rel Author Links Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP480 Title Length Add 14 more.
CP126 Exact Match making whole A Tags Add 2 more.
CPXR002 Number of HTML Comments Add 8 more.Add 16 more.
CPXR004 Number of H1 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP151 Leading Variations in H1 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.

About the Report

The Road Map lists the factors in descending order where the factors at the top have the strongest correlation with rank position in Google and they get incrementally weaker as you go down the list. We recommend that you fix 5-10 deficits at a time then wait 2-12 days to see if there is impact. You can always do more passes later. We want to avoid triggering a "Google Dance" where your page drops out of search for a week or more while Google reprocesses everything. We find that making too many changes at once triggers this. If you do trigger a Google Dance then 9 times out of 10 the correct action to take is to stop and wait. Work on different pages in that case. A Google Dance often results in the same position or better.

Exact Match

This is the search used to create this report.

Livestock Guardian Dogs


Variations are the words that Google makes bold in desktop search results. Google bolds them to show you how relevant the results are. We measure them because they help make your page relevant for the target keyword.

flock 3, guard 3, cattle 3, livestock guardian 3, guarding 3, livestock 3, dogs 3, livestock guardian dog 3, guardian dog 3, guardian 3, dog 3


This means the tag content begins with the keyword match.

<tag>KEYWORD ...</tag>

Making Whole Tags

This means the only content in the tag is the keyword match.



Entities are nouns that Google's AI likely understands. They are found in public databases like Freebase, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. Groups of entities form topics which helps classify documents.

guard dog 3, dog breeds 3, anatolian 3, children 3, livestock 3, dogs 3, livestock guardian dog 3, farm 3, great pyrenees 3, rain 3, dog breed 3, goat 3, dog 3, bred 3, privacy 3, livestock guardian 3, breeds 3, privacy policy 3, komondor 3, sheep 3, herd 3, news 3, predators 3, tibetan mastiff 3, predator 3, goats 3, breed 3, farmer 3

Triple Word LSI

LSI are simply other words that come up naturally when people talk about your target keyword.

livestock guardian dog 3

Double Word LSI

to protect 3, as well 3, body class 3, span class 3, livestock guardian 3, t work 3, privacy policy 3, div class 3, ul class 3, doctype html 3, guardian dog 3, input type 3

Single Word LSI

year 3, farm 3, tel 3, require 3, version 3, click 3, size 3, left 3, hang 3, role 3, aggressive 3, after 3, close 3, policy 3, hand 3, wrap 3, standard 3, good 3, red 3, ref 3, post 3, rel 3, rem 3, add 3, ade 3, its 3, often 3, list 3, article 3, ads 3, http 3, medium 3, breeds 3, end 3, live 3, mobile 3, special 3, well 3, age 3, copyright 3, considered 3, property 3, pen 3, per 3, order 3, nav 3, aria 3, handle 3, script 3, even 3, other 3, ping 3, top 3, too 3, share 3, product 3, goats 3, col 3, body 3, pin 3, function 3, stock 3, border 3, new 3, read 3, alt 3, less 3, were 3, amp 3, footer 3, media 3, design 3, row 3, lang 3, predator 3, specific 3, ring 3, let 3, state 3, app 3, png 3, dropdown 3, input 3, styles 3, two 3, default 3, art 3, call 3, through 3, source 3, align 3, view 3, white 3, dogs 3, name 3, page 3, full 3, hidden 3, submit 3, book 3, description 3, non 3, button 3, not 3, now 3, socialization 3, center 3, target 3, what 3, time 3, play 3, when 3, enter 3, give 3, item 3, lives 3, style 3, log 3, guard 3, web 3, low 3, protect 3, means 3, predators 3, more 3, display 3, width 3, small 3, tell 3, section 3, used 3, his 3, consider 3, format 3, history 3, both 3, most 3, important 3, keep 3, part 3, designed 3, sheep 3, jpg 3, also 3, visit 3, user 3, dec 3, path 3, past 3, flocks 3, strong 3, how 3, term 3, foot 3, set 3, right 3, down 3, div 3, livestock 3, contact 3, info 3, needs 3, which 3, image 3, however 3, bred 3, back 3, training 3, title 3, content 3, load 3, class 3, human 3, over 3, owner 3, breed 3, form 3, farmer 3, humans 3, very 3, action 3, https 3, animals 3, text 3, large 3, index 3, dog 3, begin 3, breeding 3, template 3, don 3, eight 3, known 3, member 3, ability 3, guardian 3, mar 3, side 3, may 3, change 3, menu 3, off 3, doctype 3, auto 3, use 3, main 3, while 3, that 3, www 3, find 3, logo 3, different 3, noscript 3, background 3, true 3, header 3, best 3, head 3, make 3, social 3, src 3, threat 3, about 3, they 3, height 3, old 3, them 3, then 3, animal 3, sub 3, long 3, min 3, svg 3, wolf 3, one 3, many 3, single 3, face 3, this 3, know 3, privacy 3, placeholder 3, org 3, base 3, none 3, type 3, terms 3, href 3, presence 3, between 3, var 3, work 3, cattle 3, goat 3, toward 3, flock 3, range 3, eat 3, power 3, place 3, copy 3, event 3, help 3, site 3, span 3, data 3, own 3, only 3, html 3, tag 3, safe 3, here 3, img 3, line 3, link 3, guarding 3, flex 3, value 3, herd 3, match 3, instead 3, round 3, category 3

Keyword Density

#35 springcreek.farmAvgMax123
Clean Variation Density4.23 %6.377.957.95 %5.04 %6.13 %
Clean Exact Match Density1.54 %0.280.470.47 %0.00 %0.38 %

Clean Variation Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. All variations are used to calculate the match count.

Clean Exact Match Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. Only the Exact Match is used to calculate the match count.

Competitive Comparison

Factor ID Factor Name Avg Max #1 #2 #3 0.20
ENT000a Number of Entities Used 20 53.67 67 67 54 40 -0.29
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag 210 915.67 1569 944 1569 234 -0.28
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags 1 5.67 7 4 7 6 -0.27
ENT014 Has Entities in H3 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.27
ENT018 Entities in Sentences 40 381.67 564 564 454 127 -0.26
CP492b Unabridged Word Count 285 3340.00 4826 4174 4826 1020 -0.23
CP492 Word Count 245 2951.00 4473 3520 4473 860 -0.23
CP469a Exact Match in Sentences 0 1.00 3 3 0 0 -0.22
CPJLD014 Has JSON-LD Article 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.22
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag 3 7.67 20 20 0 3 -0.21
CP418 Number of Forms 3 2.00 4 1 4 1 -0.21
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags 5 8.67 15 5 6 15 -0.20
CPJLD122 Has JSON-LD ImageObject 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.19
CPJLD198 Has JSON-LD Person 0 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.19
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.19
CP213z Has Form 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.18
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags 8 6.67 11 11 4 5 -0.18
CP381a Exact Match in Meta Descriptions 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.18
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags 4 17.33 28 15 28 9 -0.16
CP313 Has Privacy Policy 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.16
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.16
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags 486 1384.33 2303 2303 1598 252 -0.16
ENT013 Has Entities in H2 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.16
CP228 Has Meta Robots 0 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.16
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.15
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.15
CP364 Is OpenGraph Type Article 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.14
CP481b Word Count in Meta Description Tag 20 17.00 26 0 26 25 -0.14
CP380 Meta Description Length 123 102.33 158 0 158 149 -0.14
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags 0 0.67 2 0 0 2 -0.14
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag 6 5.00 11 0 4 11 -0.13
CP451 Number of US Phone Numbers 2 0.67 2 0 0 2 -0.12
CP468 Number of Sentences 10 60.67 86 86 57 39 -0.12
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags 12 25.00 33 27 33 15 -0.12
QS004 Number of Questions In Headings 0 1.00 3 0 0 3 -0.12
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags 12 25.33 34 27 34 15 -0.11
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.11
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags 12 25.00 33 27 33 15 -0.11
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text 15 18.33 41 41 7 7 -0.11
QS012 Headings Has Question 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.11
QS003 Number of Questions 0 4.67 9 1 9 4 -0.10
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links 47 363.00 682 682 380 27 -0.10
CP310 Has OpenGraph Type 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.10
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.10
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.10
CP230 Has Meta Twitter Cards 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.10
CP438 Number of Meta Keywords 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.10
CP207 Has Contact Page 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.10
CPXR24 Number of P Tags 17 18.67 24 24 15 17 -0.09
CPJLD266 Has JSON-LD Website 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.09
CP347 Has US Phone Number 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.09
CP204 Has Canonical URL 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.09
CP426 Number of Images 16 23.00 51 51 10 8 -0.09
CP225 Has Meta Description 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.08
CP435 Number of Links 47 368.00 690 690 387 27 -0.08
CP208 Has Copyright 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.07
QS007 Number of Questions In H3 Tags 0 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.07
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text 1 4.67 10 10 3 1 -0.06
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag 7 10.33 28 28 0 3 -0.06
CPJLD233 Has JSON-LD Search Action 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.06
CP345 Has Terms of Service 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.05
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag 5 5.67 7 4 7 6 -0.05
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.03
CP150a2 Exact Match in H2 Tags 1 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.02
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.00

Search Results Snapshot

RankDomainPage TitleURL
1en.wikipedia.orgLivestock guardian dog - Wikipedia
2akc.orgGet to Know the Livestock Guardian Dog Breeds American Kennel Club
3niteguard.com5 Livestock Guardian Dog Breeds | Nite Guard | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
5k9ofmine.com12 Best Livestock Guardian Dogs: Canines Who Keep Farm Animals Safe!
6idrange.orgLivestock guardian dogs have a job to do please leave them in the field Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission Guardian Dogs and Their Care in Winter
8modernfarmer.comHow to Choose a Livestock Guard Dog - Modern Farmer
9smallfarms.cornell.eduGuardian Dogs for Sheep - Cornell Small Farms
11medicinecreekfarm.comLivestock Guardian Dog Puppies | LGD sheep dogs for predator protection Medicine Creek Farm
12youtube.comDay in the Life: Livestock Guardian Dogs - YouTube
13youtube.comThese Are 10 Best Livestock Guardian Dog Breeds - YouTube
14spotonfence.comHow to train and contain Livestock Guardian Dogs SpotOn
15ncbi.nlm.nih.govConceptualizing the ethical questions in the use of livestock protection dogs - PMC
16marquisranch.comLivestock Guardian Dogs | Marquis Ranch
17permaculturenews.org3 Top Livestock Dogs For Chickens - The Permaculture Research Institute
19tennesseemeatgoats.comLivestock Guardian Dogs
20grit.comChoosing a Livestock Guardian - Grit
21newscientist.comLivestock guardian dogs are making a comeback to protect predators | New Scientist
23premier1supplies.com12 Keys to Raising Successful Livestock Guardian Dogs
24motherearthnews.comWhen To Start Training Livestock Guardian Dogs � Mother Earth News
25theconversation.comDogs used to guard livestock may have unintended costs to wildlife
26ec.europa.euWorking with livestock guardian dogs to protect herds against wolves | EIP-AGRI
27emwh.orgLivestock Guardian Dogs
28thriftyhomesteader.comLivestock Guardian Dogs
29homeinthefingerlakes.comThe Best Livestock Guardian Dogs for Chickens - Home in the Finger Lakes
31aphis.usda.govUSDA APHIS | Livestock Protection Dogs
32bluemoonranch.netLivestock Guardian Dogs Blue Moon Ranch Alpacas
33facebook.comLog into Facebook
34farmanddairy.comHow should we define a livestock guardian dog s intelligence? - Farm and Dairy
35springcreek.farmLivestock Guardian Dogs | Spring Creek Farms Missouri
36backyardgoats.iamcountryside.comLivestock Guardian Dog Breed Comparison - Backyard Goats
37attra.ncat.orgLivestock Guardian Animals: Protecting the Flock or Herd ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture
38agriculture.comLivestock guard dogs grow in popularity among ranchers | Successful Farming animals for livestock protection and wild dog exclusion - PestSmart - Livestock Guardian Dogs Australia
41rethinkrural.raydientplaces.comHow to Choose the best Livestock Guard Dog Breed for your Farm
42extension.sdstate.eduLivestock Guardian Dogs for Improved Protection
43forloveoflivestock.comFor Love of Livestock
44bioone.orgThe ecological effects of livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) on target and non-target wildlife
45lonestartracking.comLivestock Guardian Dog GPS Tracker - LoneStar Tracking�
47evansmillcattleco.comLivestock Guardian Dogs - Evans Mill Cattle Company
48mdpi.comSustainability | Free Full-Text | Genomic Characterization of the Three Balkan Livestock Guardian Dogs
49sciencedirect.comMitigating Human Conflicts with Livestock Guardian Dogs in Extensive Sheep Grazing Systems - ScienceDirect find out, where there are livestock guardian dogs?
51providencefarmnc.comLivestock Guardian Dogs | providencefarm
52dogbreedinfo.comList of Flock Guardian Type Dogs
53kathyannsfarm.comLGD Frequently Asked Questions Kathy Ann s Farm
54thestar.comLivestock guardian dogs don�t mess around and are not a typical family pet | The Star
56imdb.comLivestock Guardian Dogs: Working on Common Ground (Video 2013) - IMDb
58lpfw.orgLivestock Guardian Dog Breeders in California | Los Padres ForestWatch
59livestockguardiandog.weebly.comWhat is a LGD? - LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOG EDUCATION NETWORK
61oldcrowefarm.comMaremma Livestock Guardian Dogs | Old Crowe Farm
62sovereignhillfarm.comSovereign Hill Farm - Animals Livestock Guardian Dogs
63bearbuttegardens.comBear Butte Gardens - Livestock Guardian Dogs
64nature.comThe tail wagging the dog: positive attitude towards livestock guarding dogs do not mitigate pastoralists� opinions of wolves or grizzly bears | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
67smallfarmersjournal.comIntroducing Your Guard Dog To New Livestock And Other Dogs Small Farmer s Journal | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
69weesnermeadow.comAdult Livestock Guardian Dogs Weesner Meadow Natural Meats
70wrongdirectionfarm.comWelcoming a New Livestock Guardian Dog to the Farm Wrong Direction Farm
71greatpyrenees.clubLivestock Guardian Dogs - Great Pyrenees Club of America
72lgd.orgThe Center For Livestock Guardian Dog Education
73rosasharnfarm.comLivestock Guardian Dogs | Rosasharn Farm
74sheep101.infoSheep 101: livestock guardian dogs | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
76jandohner.comHow Livestock Guardian Dogs Work
77guarddogblog.wordpress.comGuard Dog Blog | on Livestock Guardian Dogs and small farm life
78cheetah.orgLivestock Guarding Dog Personality Traits Give Insights into Performance Cheetah Conservation Fund
79lancasterfarming.comLivestock Guardians: Between Working Dogs and Pets | Farming and Agricultural News | lancasterfarming.com
80pinterest.comLivestock Guardian Dogs | Great pyrenees dog, Great pyrenees puppy, Livestock guardian dog
81huronkennels.comLivestock Guardian Dogs (LDG s) - Huron Kennels - Kuvasz Breeder
82learn.eartheasy.comThe Best Guardian Dogs to Protect Your Chickens | Eartheasy Guides Articles
84goldendalesentinel.comAnimal Companion: Livestock guardian dogs � Part 2 | Features | goldendalesentinel.com
85blog.whiteoakpastures.comGuardian Dogs
86cbsnews.comLocal livestock guardian dog is recovering and being hailed a hero after fighting off a large group - CW Atlanta
87wildlifecoexistence.orgLivestock Guardian Dogs and Shepherds in Romania | The International Wildlife Coexistence Network
88blissberry.comBlissberry - Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs
89morningagclips.comThe benefits of livestock guardian dogs | Morning Ag Clips
90ourredbarnranch.comLivestock Guardian Dogs | Our Red Barn Ranch
91news.wsu.edulivestock guardian dog WSU Insider
92cedarviewnigerians.comLivestock Guardian Dogs Cedar View Nigerian Dwarf Goats and Livestock Guardian Dogs
93littleavalonfarm.comWhen Your Neighbor Hates Your Livestock Guardian Dogs Little Avalon Farm
94heartnsoulfarm.comHeart N Soul Farm
95fawec.orgThe livestock guardian dog: the best friend of livestock in extensive systems
96devilsgulchranch.comDevil's Gulch Ranch | We also sell livestock guardian dogs!
98dispatch.comLivestock guardians: Top dogs for protecting your herd or flock