Best Dog Breeds

This report examines the SEO tactics used by those businesses ranking for 'Dachshund'.


Dachshunds often referred to wiener dogs or sausage dogs are a small to medium-sized breed of dog known for their large bodies with short legs and distinct appearance. They're a sought-after breed because of their affectionate and fun personalities and are well-suited for different environments which include apartments and houses with small yards. There are three types of Dachshunds which are wire-haired (short-haired), long-haired (wire-haired) and wire-haired (long-haired). They are able to be colored in black, red, or tan. They can also have patterns that resemble brindle or dapple. Dachshunds are renowned for their lively and active personality and make great pets for families because of their affectionate and loyal nature. They are smart and simple to train however they can be difficult at times, which is why it's essential to be patient and consistent when training them. Dachshunds do have some specific care requirements due to their long backs as well as their short legs. Due to their short legs and backs, Dachshunds can develop back problems. They also have the potential to be overweight. To keep them healthy, it's vital to ensure they have the right diet and exercising regularly, and keeping them active. Protecting their backs and preventing them from climbing or jumping on the stairs is essential. This can cause unnecessary strain to their spines. Dachshunds can make a great and faithful companion. With proper care and attention, they can make loving and devoted pets for years to be.







SEO Road Map - Friday December 30, 2022

Dachshund        #15

Factor ID Factor Name To Be Above Average To Take the Lead
CP159 Exact Match making whole H1-H6 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP150 Exact Match making whole H1 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP155 Exact Match making whole H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag Add 2 more.
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags Add 4 more.Add 9 more.
ENT018 Entities in Sentences Add 235 more.Add 467 more.
ENT000a Number of Entities Used Add 9 more.Add 19 more.
CPJLD014 Has JSON-LD Article Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag Add 1 more.Add 5 more.
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag Add 702 more.Add 1173 more.
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag Add 237 more.Add 560 more.
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags Add 7 more.Add 18 more.
CP492b Unabridged Word Count Add 3486 more.Add 5735 more.
CP469a Exact Match in Sentences Add 30 more.Add 66 more.
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags Add 13 more.Add 36 more.
CP492 Word Count Add 2885 more.Add 4775 more.
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 14 more.Add 26 more.
CPJLD233 Has JSON-LD Search Action Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP150a3 Exact Match in H3 Tags Add 1 more.Add 3 more.
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags Add 596 more.Add 2225 more.
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags Add 16 more.Add 27 more.
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags Add 7 more.Add 9 more.
CP468 Number of Sentences Add 106 more.Add 241 more.
CP480 Title Length Add 24 more.
ENT005 Entities in H4 Tags Add 2 more.Add 5 more.
CP176 Leading Variations in H4-H6 Tags Add 2 more.Add 4 more.
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag Add 238 more.Add 562 more.
CP435 Number of Links Add 325 more.Add 888 more.
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags Add 16 more.Add 28 more.
CP159a Exact Match in H1-H6 Tags Add 2 more.Add 8 more.
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links Add 298 more.Add 837 more.
CP172 Leading Variations in H4 Tags Add 2 more.Add 4 more.
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP426 Number of Images Add 16 more.
QS003 Number of Questions Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
CP126 Exact Match making whole A Tags Add 3 more.Add 7 more.
CP208 Has Copyright Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP381a Exact Match in Meta Descriptions Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text Add 22 more.Add 37 more.
CPXR24 Number of P Tags Add 23 more.Add 70 more.
CP180 Leading Variations in H5 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT015 Has Entities in H4 Tags Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
ENT002 Entities in H1 Tags Add 2 more.
CP481a Word Count in Title Tag Add 3 more.
CP150a2 Exact Match in H2 Tags Add 1 more.Add 8 more.
CPJLD266 Has JSON-LD Website Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP211 Has Domain Phrase In Content Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP126a Exact Match in A Tags Add 50 more.Add 123 more.
CP318 Has RSS Link Add 1 more.Add 2 more.

About the Report

The Road Map lists the factors in descending order where the factors at the top have the strongest correlation with rank position in Google and they get incrementally weaker as you go down the list. We recommend that you fix 5-10 deficits at a time then wait 2-12 days to see if there is impact. You can always do more passes later. We want to avoid triggering a "Google Dance" where your page drops out of search for a week or more while Google reprocesses everything. We find that making too many changes at once triggers this. If you do trigger a Google Dance then 9 times out of 10 the correct action to take is to stop and wait. Work on different pages in that case. A Google Dance often results in the same position or better.

Exact Match

This is the search used to create this report.



Variations are the words that Google makes bold in desktop search results. Google bolds them to show you how relevant the results are. We measure them because they help make your page relevant for the target keyword.

dachshund 3, dachshunds 3


This means the tag content begins with the keyword match.

<tag>KEYWORD ...</tag>

Making Whole Tags

This means the only content in the tag is the keyword match.



Entities are nouns that Google's AI likely understands. They are found in public databases like Freebase, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. Groups of entities form topics which helps classify documents.

pets 3, parent 3, dachshund 3, navigation 3, children 3, french 3, pet 3, height 3, eye 3, puppy 3, animal 3, dog 3, intervertebral disc 3, puppies 3, behavior 3, ivdd 3, health 3, hound 3, menu 3, cats 3, temperament 3, information 3, epilepsy 3, shed 3, dog breeds 3, dogs 3, badger dog 3, logo 3, image 3, dog breed 3, weight 3, dachshunds 3, color 3, germany 3, description 3, breeds 3, cat 3, disease 3, breed 3

Triple Word LSI

LSI are simply other words that come up naturally when people talk about your target keyword.

intervertebral disc disease 3, black and tan 3

Double Word LSI

to chase 3, more likely 3, img src 3, dachshund breed 3, div style 3, united states 3, dachshund puppy 3, s well 3, to help 3, about this 3, small size 3, american kennel 3, li class 3, re prone 3, to train 3, sausage dog 3, haired dachshunds 3, intervertebral disc 3, span class 3, div class 3, do not 3, s also 3, small dog 3, badger dog 3, dog breed 3, to hunt 3, body class 3, as hunting 3, wiener dog 3, i class 3, haired dachshund 3, ul class 3

Single Word LSI

german 3, owners 3, these 3, vid 3, vic 3, legs 3, tel 3, because 3, solid 3, version 3, size 3, left 3, much 3, object 3, role 3, independent 3, after 3, behavior 3, ire 3, close 3, policy 3, address 3, learn 3, blood 3, blue 3, information 3, wrap 3, acc 3, red 3, ref 3, act 3, rel 3, req 3, add 3, area 3, rev 3, originally 3, often 3, check 3, list 3, ads 3, wire 3, eval 3, port 3, aren 3, http 3, child 3, cid 3, companion 3, united 3, germany 3, medium 3, breeds 3, end 3, live 3, label 3, special 3, there 3, well 3, family 3, age 3, copyright 3, american 3, eede 3, obedience 3, block 3, per 3, pet 3, order 3, nav 3, aria 3, script 3, ever 3, even 3, other 3, ping 3, breeder 3, top 3, too 3, share 3, toy 3, err 3, akc 3, pinscher 3, col 3, shed 3, arrow 3, screen 3, body 3, pin 3, links 3, pit 3, net 3, border 3, new 3, void 3, alt 3, less 3, strangers 3, were 3, try 3, amp 3, footer 3, media 3, around 3, times 3, row 3, lang 3, wiener 3, prey 3, led 3, leg 3, pounds 3, let 3, api 3, state 3, app 3, margin 3, each 3, input 3, ward 3, chase 3, two 3, cookies 3, pop 3, default 3, rst 3, where 3, ivdd 3, popular 3, black 3, holder 3, call 3, such 3, absolute 3, source 3, align 3, view 3, late 3, dogs 3, things 3, pre 3, chest 3, last 3, weight 3, name 3, page 3, full 3, hidden 3, color 3, book 3, show 3, description 3, non 3, house 3, button 3, nor 3, ave 3, not 3, now 3, green 3, disease 3, center 3, start 3, war 3, way 3, target 3, what 3, refer 3, short 3, time 3, pub 3, pets 3, play 3, haired 3, yard 3, three 3, when 3, issues 3, put 3, cushing 3, burrow 3, item 3, images 3, light 3, style 3, care 3, chocolate 3, stubborn 3, log 3, lot 3, low 3, means 3, fda 3, prod 3, more 3, display 3, born 3, hound 3, width 3, small 3, section 3, his 3, day 3, group 3, hunt 3, king 3, format 3, inner 3, most 3, twice 3, daily 3, keep 3, option 3, ease 3, part 3, tend 3, jpg 3, padding 3, rest 3, original 3, also 3, enough 3, terrier 3, ears 3, inline 3, visit 3, apartment 3, parent 3, ded 3, dec 3, bar 3, dev 3, bat 3, hunting 3, rally 3, sure 3, piebald 3, easy 3, puppy 3, comes 3, icon 3, how 3, see 3, search 3, term 3, set 3, right 3, meet 3, under 3, bec 3, dig 3, div 3, retriever 3, contact 3, club 3, info 3, train 3, which 3, image 3, test 3, count 3, brown 3, sha 3, however 3, bred 3, some 3, sources 3, origin 3, back 3, training 3, title 3, content 3, states 3, sid 3, perhaps 3, load 3, personality 3, class 3, sit 3, owner 3, over 3, false 3, breed 3, home 3, form 3, avoid 3, very 3, big 3, bit 3, navigation 3, action 3, text 3, https 3, animals 3, french 3, likely 3, chasing 3, literally 3, made 3, index 3, being 3, dog 3, don 3, dom 3, world 3, member 3, table 3, side 3, may 3, break 3, health 3, menu 3, url 3, century 3, able 3, fun 3, auto 3, use 3, main 3, while 3, that 3, high 3, www 3, find 3, logo 3, different 3, level 3, spa 3, difficult 3, heart 3, coat 3, expand 3, noscript 3, true 3, header 3, disc 3, position 3, problems 3, code 3, box 3, best 3, head 3, make 3, src 3, social 3, control 3, badger 3, due 3, dachshund 3, about 3, clever 3, they 3, height 3, based 3, boxer 3, old 3, mall 3, them 3, something 3, animal 3, mid 3, long 3, min 3, variety 3, key 3, middle 3, star 3, svg 3, many 3, people 3, face 3, orig 3, open 3, badgers 3, story 3, available 3, ico 3, kennel 3, doxie 3, this 3, look 3, dachshunds 3, guid 3, support 3, rough 3, privacy 3, life 3, common 3, placeholder 3, every 3, types 3, org 3, mark 3, none 3, type 3, mon 3, children 3, terms 3, href 3, guide 3, between 3, var 3, work 3, come 3, intervertebral 3, word 3, love 3, range 3, ead 3, geo 3, feature 3, fall 3, ear 3, event 3, toggle 3, digging 3, help 3, site 3, prone 3, span 3, date 3, data 3, own 3, sausage 3, eci 3, blog 3, assets 3, tab 3, only 3, should 3, create 3, html 3, tag 3, tan 3, ver 3, resource 3, like 3, bottom 3, here 3, img 3, line 3, link 3, hair 3, car 3, cat 3, value 3, smooth 3, eff 3, match 3, resources 3, follow 3, brindle 3, ins 3, round 3, category 3

Keyword Density

#15 www.thesprucepets.comAvgMax123
Clean Variation Density3.14 %3.223.633.63 %2.64 %3.40 %
Clean Exact Match Density2.34 %1.952.332.33 %1.36 %2.16 %

Clean Variation Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. All variations are used to calculate the match count.

Clean Exact Match Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. Only the Exact Match is used to calculate the match count.

Competitive Comparison

Factor ID Factor Name Avg Max #1 #2 #3 0.20
CP159 Exact Match making whole H1-H6 Tags 0 0.67 1 1 1 0 -0.41
CP150 Exact Match making whole H1 Tags 0 0.67 1 1 1 0 -0.41
CP155 Exact Match making whole H1, H2, and H3 Tags 0 0.67 1 1 1 0 -0.40
ENT009 Entities in Title Tag 4 4.00 5 2 5 5 -0.37
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags 2 5.67 10 5 10 2 -0.28
ENT018 Entities in Sentences 301 535.67 767 605 767 235 -0.27
ENT000a Number of Entities Used 61 69.67 79 79 75 55 -0.23
CP438 Number of Meta Keywords 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.21
ENT012 Has Entities in H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.19
CPJLD014 Has JSON-LD Article 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.17
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag 3 3.67 7 0 7 4 -0.16
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization 1 0.67 1 1 1 0 -0.16
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag 890 1591.33 2062 1698 2062 1014 -0.16
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag 99 335.67 658 658 251 98 -0.15
ENT014 Has Entities in H3 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.15
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags 5 12.00 22 11 22 3 -0.15
CP150a Exact Match in H1 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.14
CP492b Unabridged Word Count 1909 5394.67 7643 6701 7643 1840 -0.14
CP345 Has Terms of Service 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.13
CP469a Exact Match in Sentences 23 52.33 88 52 88 17 -0.12
CPJLD122 Has JSON-LD ImageObject 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.12
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags 13 25.33 48 9 48 19 -0.11
CP492 Word Count 1614 4498.67 6388 5551 6388 1557 -0.11
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags 14 28.00 39 28 39 17 -0.11
CPJLD233 Has JSON-LD Search Action 0 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.10
CP150a3 Exact Match in H3 Tags 0 0.67 2 0 0 2 -0.09
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags 1139 1734.67 3363 3363 1189 652 -0.08
CP451 Number of US Phone Numbers 69 2.00 6 6 0 0 -0.07
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags 14 29.67 40 31 40 18 -0.07
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags 8 15.00 16 16 16 13 -0.07
CP468 Number of Sentences 70 176.00 310 150 310 68 -0.07
CP480 Title Length 51 48.00 74 21 74 49 -0.07
ENT005 Entities in H4 Tags 0 1.33 4 4 0 0 -0.07
CP176 Leading Variations in H4-H6 Tags 0 1.67 3 3 1 1 -0.07
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag 99 336.67 660 660 252 98 -0.07
CP435 Number of Links 154 478.33 1041 1041 245 149 -0.07
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags 14 30.00 41 31 41 18 -0.06
CP159a Exact Match in H1-H6 Tags 6 7.67 13 1 13 9 -0.06
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links 151 448.33 987 987 210 148 -0.06
CP172 Leading Variations in H4 Tags 0 1.33 3 3 0 1 -0.06
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage 0 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.05
CP313 Has Privacy Policy 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.05
ENT013 Has Entities in H2 Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.05
CP309 Has OpenGraph Image 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.05
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.04
CP426 Number of Images 49 38.67 64 32 64 20 -0.04
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text 49 17.33 28 11 28 13 -0.04
QS003 Number of Questions 4 5.00 7 6 7 2 -0.04
CP126 Exact Match making whole A Tags 0 2.33 6 6 0 1 -0.03
CP208 Has Copyright 0 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.03
CP381a Exact Match in Meta Descriptions 1 1.33 2 0 2 2 -0.03
CP364 Is OpenGraph Type Article 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.03
CP235 Has Meta Viewport 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.03
CP347 Has US Phone Number 1 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.03
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text 0 21.33 36 21 36 7 -0.02
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.02
CPXR24 Number of P Tags 42 64.67 111 51 111 32 -0.02
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.01
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.01
CP180 Leading Variations in H5 Tags 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.01
ENT015 Has Entities in H4 Tags 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.01

Search Results Snapshot

RankDomainPage TitleURL
1en.wikipedia.orgDachshund - Wikipedia
2dogtime.comDachshund Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics Facts - Dogtime
3rover.comDachshund Dog Breed Facts Information | Rover.com
4petmd.comDog Breed: Dachshund | PetMD
6dailypaws.comDachshund Dog Breed Information & Characteristics | Daily Paws
7petlandhoffmanestates.comDachshund Puppies - Petland Hoffman Estates
8britannica.comDachshund | Overview, Description, Temperament, & Facts | Britannica
9be.chewy.comDachshund Breed: Characteristics, Care Photos | BeChewy
11aspcapetinsurance.comMeet the Dachshund: Personality, Health, and Care | ASPCA Pet Health Insurance
12hillspet.comDachshund Dog Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
13thefarmersdog.comThe Dachshund Guide: History, Personality, Food, Training, Care, and More - The Farmer s Dog
14vcahospitals.comDachshund Information | Dog Breeds | VCA Animal Hospitals
15thesprucepets.comDachshund (Doxie): Dog Breed Characteristics & Care
16petfinder.comDachshund Dog Breed Profile | Petfinder
17petinsurance.comDachshund Dogs | Pet Spotlight | Appearance, Personality History
18purina.comDachshund Dog Breed Profile | Purina
19embarkvet.comDachshunds: Dog breed info, photos, common names, and more � Embarkvet
20trupanion.comMiniature Dachshund | Trupanion Dog Breed Guide
21a-z-animals.comDachshund Dog Breed Complete Guide - AZ Animals
22wagwalking.comDachshund | Dog Breed Facts and Information - Wag! Dog Walking
23hellobark.comDachshund - Size | Appearance | Exercise | Shedding | Health | Price
24lombardvet.comDachshund | Lombard Veterinary Hospital
25dustypuddles.orgDusty Puddles Dachshund Rescue
26pinterest.com900+ Best Dachshunds ideas in 2022 | dachshund love, dachshund, wiener dog
27ducksters.comAnimals: Dachshund Dog
28dogbreeds911.comDachshund pros and cons | Dotson dog
29youtube.comOwning a Dachshund: THE PROS AND CONS - YouTube
30petcarerx.comEverything You Need to Know Before Getting a Dachshund | PetCareRx
31shutterstock.com97,704 Dachshund Images, Stock Photos Vectors | Shutterstock Temperament, Lifespan, Grooming, Training | Petplan
33pawlicy.comDachshund Breed Guide: Characteristics, History Care | Pawlicy Advisor
35dachshundclubofamerica.orgDachshund Club of America Founded in 1895
36en.wiktionary.orgdachshund - Wiktionary
38celebritydachshund.comCrusoe the Dachshund Friends - Wiener Dog Extraordinaires!
39merriam-webster.comDachshund Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster
40nylabone.comDachshund Dog Breed
41handicappedpets.comChallenges of Owning a Dachshund | Dachsund Health Behavior
43odr-inc.orgPortland Oregon Rescue | Surrender your Dachshund
44hepper.comDachshund | Dog Breed Info: Pictures, Traits Facts | Hepper
45orvis.comDachshund - All About Dogs | Orvis
46yourpurebredpuppy.comDachshunds: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em
47witzig.com10 facts about dachshunds that might surprise you Witzig
49oodlelife.comWhy Are Dachshunds So Needy? - Oodle Life
50pramadakennels.comJudging The Dachshund Pramada Kennels Koradox Dachshunds
51dachshundrescuesouthflorida.comDachshund Rescue South Florida - Home
52mentalfloss.com9 Facts About Dachshunds
53facebook.comLog into Facebook | TikTok
55breedologynutrition.comDachshund Advanced Care - Supplements For Dachshunds by Breedology
56etymonline.comdachshund | Etymology, origin and meaning of dachshund by etymonline
57etsy.comDachshund - Etsy
58dictionary.comDachshund Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
59bioguardlabs.comBreed-related disease: Dachshund Bioguard a wholesome community for lovers of wonderful dachshunds
61urbandictionary.comUrban Dictionary: Dachshund
62alphapaw.comDachshund Mix Breeds
63halbymarketing.comDachshund Wines | Halby Marketing
65thedrakecenter.comDachshund | The Drake Center For Veterinary Care
66vgl.ucdavis.eduDachshund | Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
67indiantrailanimalhospital.comLearn About The Dachshund Dog Breed From A Trusted Veterinarian
68youdidwhatwithyourweiner.comDachshund-Specific Information and Articles
69wildearth.comDapple Dachshund Breed History and Facts - Wild Earth
70nmdcdachshund.orgNational Miniature Dachshund Club | NMDC
71nativepet.comWhat�s a Healthy Dachshund Weight? Plus Weight Management Tips - The Native Pet
72dachshundstation.com7 Clear Signs Your Dachshund Is Bored (*How To Fix It*)- Dachshund Station
73pattisdachshundfarm.comPatti�s Dachshund Farm: Miniature Dachshund / Doxie Puppies for Sale
74animalcorner.orgThe Long Haired Dachshund - Owner Guide Facts - Animal Corner
77fidosavvy.comThe Dachshund - Little Dog, Big Personality
78istockphoto.comDachshund Stock Photos, Pictures Royalty-Free Images - iStock
79royalcanin.comDachshund | Royal Canin
81dictionary.cambridge.orgDACHSHUND | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
82vet-organics.comDachshunds 101 Vet Organics
83walmart.comRobot or human?'Proud Mom': Dachshund Cuddling Her Newborn Puppy Has People Tearing Up
85lovetoknowpets.comBreakdown of the Dachshund Dog Breed: Are These Pups for You? | LoveToKnow Pets
86dachworld.comThe Dachshund Owner�s Complete Guide
87pawleaks.com10 Facts You Didn t Know About Doxen (Dachshunds) | PawLeaks
88servicedogtrainingschool.orgDachshund Breed Overview | Temperament, Training Care Tips
89friscofreedomfest.orgDachshund Races | Frisco Freedom Fest, TX - Official Website
90loveyourdog.comDachshund Breed Information: Long Haired, Short Haired More
91daisyhilldachshunds.comBreed Info | Daisy-HillDachshunds
92thedailypup.comLong Haired Dachshund - 13 Things You Need to Know -
93wikihow.com3 Ways to Take Care of a Dachshund - wikiHow
94dachshunddistilling.comDachshund Distilling
95nintendogs.fandom.comMiniature Dachshund | Nintendogs Wiki | Fandom
97betterpet.comDachshund: Dog breed characteristics, pictures, care tips
98gooddog.comDachshund puppies for sale from trusted breeders | Good Dog