Best dog breeds.

This report examines the SEO tactics used by those businesses ranking for 'Bird Dog'.

Bird Dog

Bird dogs, also known as Pointing breeds are a breed of dog that has been specially bred and trained for hunting. These dogs are valued for their strong instincts and sharp sense of smell. They also work well with human handlers. There are many breeds of dogs that are classified as bird dogs. These include: Pointers are a breed of gun dog known for their athletic physique endurance, stamina and endurance. They are trained in the ability to spot game birds, and then point to the location to allow the hunter to take it back. Setters: Setters are a type of gun dog that are renowned for their keen sense of smell and the ability to identify game birds. When they find a bird, they are instructed to "set" or crouch down to allow the hunter to flush it out. -Retrievers: A breed of gun dog that is trained to retrieve game birds shot by hunters. They are famous for their outstanding retrieving skills and a soft mouth that allows them to safely handle the bird. Bird dogs are trained to remain near to their owners and obeying their orders. They also collaborate in order to search for and retrieve game birds. Bird dogs are typically employed in field trials and hunting, however they also enjoy a lot of popularity in the home as pets due to their loyal and affectionate nature. Positive reinforcement is a crucial factor when training bird dogs. These dogs are highly skilled and react well to consistent training and praise. It is also essential to socialize your pet's dog and expose them to a variety of different environments and scenarios so that they can be well-adjusted and secure in their job. Bird dogs are an extremely flexible breed. They are renowned for their hunter instincts and the ability to communicate with their human handlers. The bird dog is the perfect breed for you depending on whether you're an avid hunter or searching for a beloved companion.

bird dog






SEO Road Map - Friday December 30, 2022

Bird Dog        #3

Factor ID Factor Name To Be Above Average To Take the Lead
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags Add 5 more.Add 20 more.
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags Add 2 more.Add 13 more.
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag Add 43 more.Add 145 more.
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags Add 16 more.
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag Add 24 more.Add 357 more.
ENT000a Number of Entities Used Add 6 more.
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags Add 1 more.Add 16 more.
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags Add 1 more.Add 15 more.
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP172 Leading Variations in H4 Tags Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
ENT018 Entities in Sentences Add 8 more.
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag Add 2 more.
CP235 Has Meta Viewport Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags Add 4 more.
CP380 Meta Description Length Add 4 more.
CP176 Leading Variations in H4-H6 Tags Add 1 more.Add 4 more.
CP412b Has Email Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP412 Number of Email Addresses Add 1 more.Add 3 more.
CPJLD266 Has JSON-LD Website Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CPJLD233 Has JSON-LD Search Action Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text Add 4 more.Add 12 more.
CP223 Has Meta Author Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP319 Has Schema Markup Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP213z Has Form Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP126a Exact Match in A Tags Add 3 more.Add 12 more.
CP211 Has Domain Phrase In Content Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP418 Number of Forms Add 1 more.Add 2 more.
CP426 Number of Images Add 6 more.Add 20 more.
CP428 Number of Images without Alt Text Add 2 more.Add 9 more.
CPXR002 Number of HTML Comments Add 6 more.Add 12 more.

About the Report

The Road Map lists the factors in descending order where the factors at the top have the strongest correlation with rank position in Google and they get incrementally weaker as you go down the list. We recommend that you fix 5-10 deficits at a time then wait 2-12 days to see if there is impact. You can always do more passes later. We want to avoid triggering a "Google Dance" where your page drops out of search for a week or more while Google reprocesses everything. We find that making too many changes at once triggers this. If you do trigger a Google Dance then 9 times out of 10 the correct action to take is to stop and wait. Work on different pages in that case. A Google Dance often results in the same position or better.

Exact Match

This is the search used to create this report.

Bird Dog


Variations are the words that Google makes bold in desktop search results. Google bolds them to show you how relevant the results are. We measure them because they help make your page relevant for the target keyword.

bird 3, dog 3


This means the tag content begins with the keyword match.

<tag>KEYWORD ...</tag>

Making Whole Tags

This means the only content in the tag is the keyword match.



Entities are nouns that Google's AI likely understands. They are found in public databases like Freebase, Wikidata, and Wikipedia. Groups of entities form topics which helps classify documents.

bird 3, facebook 3, menu 3, dog 3

Triple Word LSI

LSI are simply other words that come up naturally when people talk about your target keyword.

Double Word LSI

img src 3, p class 3, span class 3, privacy policy 3, div class 3, ul class 3, doctype html 3

Single Word LSI

xml 3, ter 3, left 3, role 3, icon 3, close 3, policy 3, set 3, right 3, down 3, div 3, red 3, bird 3, contact 3, rel 3, add 3, res 3, visibility 3, http 3, blank 3, back 3, title 3, content 3, load 3, end 3, enc 3, class 3, mobile 3, label 3, home 3, form 3, age 3, bir 3, pen 3, https 3, gtm 3, nav 3, aria 3, script 3, dog 3, top 3, product 3, menu 3, off 3, doctype 3, tps 3, return 3, col 3, con 3, sign 3, main 3, body 3, pin 3, www 3, logo 3, new 3, alt 3, noscript 3, ame 3, header 3, footer 3, box 3, head 3, reserve 3, row 3, lang 3, nage 3, src 3, social 3, about 3, viewbox 3, height 3, app 3, old 3, iframe 3, svg 3, one 3, face 3, view 3, ico 3, pre 3, overlay 3, page 3, shop 3, hidden 3, privacy 3, non 3, button 3, xmlns 3, org 3, start 3, target 3, play 3, container 3, mob 3, none 3, type 3, href 3, item 3, style 3, facebook 3, display 3, help 3, width 3, span 3, space 3, html 3, tag 3, img 3, line 3, link 3, gin 3, round 3

Keyword Density

#3 www.healthline.comAvgMax123
Clean Variation Density1.39 %2.182.992.15 %2.99 %1.39 %
Clean Exact Match Density1.17 % %0.00 %1.17 %

Clean Variation Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. All variations are used to calculate the match count.

Clean Exact Match Density: Keyword density is the ratio of keywords to word count. In a clean density the following parts of the page are excluded: head tag, comments, scripts, styles, and HTML tags. Only the Exact Match is used to calculate the match count.

Competitive Comparison

Factor ID Factor Name Avg Max #1 #2 #3 0.20
ENT004 Entities in H3 Tags 4 9.00 23 23 0 4 -0.28
CP228 Has Meta Robots 1 0.67 1 0 1 1 -0.25
CP478 Title Has Question Words 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.23
ENT014 Has Entities in H3 Tags 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.22
CP233 Has Meta Twitter Site 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.22
CP168 Leading Variations in H3 Tags 8 9.33 20 20 0 8 -0.21
CP345 Has Terms of Service 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.20
CP313 Has Privacy Policy 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.17
CP234 Has Meta Twitter Content 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.15
CP231 Has Meta Twitter Description 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.14
CP134a Exact Match in Body Tag 32 75.00 176 176 17 32 -0.13
ENT012 Has Entities in H1 Tags 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.12
CP425 Number of HTTPS Links 229 127.00 229 115 37 229 -0.12
CPJLD122 Has JSON-LD ImageObject 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.12
CPJLD198 Has JSON-LD Person 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.11
CP213 Has FavIcon 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.11
CP156 Leading Variations in H1, H2, and H3 Tags 16 16.00 31 31 1 16 -0.11
ENT001 Entities in HTML Tag 311 334.67 667 667 26 311 -0.10
CP208 Has Copyright 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.10
ENT000a Number of Entities Used 22 18.67 27 27 7 22 -0.10
CP435 Number of Links 229 127.67 229 116 38 229 -0.10
CPXR003 Number of Heading Tags 17 18.00 32 32 5 17 -0.09
CP151a Leading Variations in Meta Description Tags 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.09
CP160 Leading Variations in H1-H6 Tags 17 17.67 31 31 5 17 -0.09
CPJLD265 Has JSON-LD WebPage 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.09
CPJLD189 Has JSON-LD Organization 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.09
CP204 Has Canonical URL 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.08
ENT011 Meta Description Tag Has Entities 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.08
CP150a3 Exact Match in H3 Tags 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.07
ENT002 Entities in H1 Tags 4 1.67 4 1 0 4 -0.07
CP230 Has Meta Twitter Cards 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.06
CP207 Has Contact Page 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.06
CP172 Leading Variations in H4 Tags 1 1.67 4 0 4 1 -0.06
CPXX888 Number of HTML Tags 1040 581.00 1040 568 135 1040 -0.06
ENT003 Entities in H2 Tags 22 9.67 22 7 0 22 -0.06
CP492 Word Count 1733 831.67 1733 699 63 1733 -0.05
ENT018 Entities in Sentences 149 102.67 156 156 3 149 -0.05
CP470a Exact Match in the HTML Tag 21 14.33 22 22 0 21 -0.05
CP492b Unabridged Word Count 2058 974.67 2058 794 72 2058 -0.04
CP225 Has Meta Description 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.04
CP203 Has Apple Touch Icon 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.04
QS006 Number of Questions In H2 Tags 1 0.33 1 0 0 1 -0.03
CP310 Has OpenGraph Type 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 -0.03
CP150a2 Exact Match in H2 Tags 5 1.67 5 0 0 5 -0.03
CP469a Exact Match in Sentences 10 5.33 10 6 0 10 -0.03
CP151 Leading Variations in H1 Tags 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.03
CP235 Has Meta Viewport 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.03
CP164 Leading Variations in H2 Tags 7 6.00 10 10 1 7 -0.03
CPXR004 Number of H1 Tags 1 0.67 1 1 0 1 -0.02
CP481b Word Count in Meta Description Tag 26 19.33 26 26 6 26 -0.02
CP380 Meta Description Length 157 119.33 160 160 41 157 -0.02
CP176 Leading Variations in H4-H6 Tags 1 1.67 4 0 4 1 -0.02
ENT008 Entities in Meta Description Tag 7 4.00 7 5 0 7 -0.02
CP412b Has Email 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.02
CP468 Number of Sentences 99 41.00 99 24 0 99 -0.02
CP412 Number of Email Addresses 0 0.67 2 0 2 0 -0.02
CPJLD266 Has JSON-LD Website 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.01
CPJLD233 Has JSON-LD Search Action 0 0.33 1 1 0 0 -0.01
CP427 Number of Images with Alt Text 0 4.00 11 11 1 0 -0.00
CP223 Has Meta Author 0 0.33 1 0 1 0 -0.00

Search Results Snapshot

RankDomainPage TitleURL
1birddogwhiskey.comBird Dog Whiskey | Award Winning Flavored Whiskey Bourbon
2birddogs.combirddogs | Shorts and Pants with a Comfortable Built-In Liner
3healthline.comBird Dog Exercise: How to Do, Variations, and Muscles Targeted
5merriam-webster.comBird-dog Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster
6birddogmattawan.comBird Dog
7masterclass.comBird Dog Guide: How to Master the Bird Dog Exercise - 2022 - MasterClass
8verywellfit.comHow to Do the Bird Dog Exercise: Techniques, Benefits, Variations | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
10acefitness.orgAb Exercises | Bird-dog
11en.wiktionary.orgbird dog - Wiktionary
12investopedia.comWhat Is a Bird Dog in Real Estate? Definition and What They Do
13en.wikipedia.orgBird Dog (song) - Wikipedia
14youtube.comBird Dog Exercise - YouTube
15youtube.comBird Dog - YouTube
16youtube.comShaman s Harvest - Bird Dog (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
17birddogexpress.comBird Dog Express�
18vocabulary.comThe World's Fastest Dictionary | Vocabulary.com
19rocketmortgage.comThe Role Of A Bird Dog In Real Estate | Rocket Mortgage
20gotoliquorstore.comBuy Bird Dog Flavored Whiskey Online | GotoLiquorStore
21youtube.comHow to Do the Bird Dog Exercise | Abs Workout - YouTube
23birddogland.comHOME | Bird Dog
24birddogbay.comMan�s Best Friend -Bird Dog Bay
26birddogequity.comBird Dog Equity Partners
27balladofthebirddog.comShopping in Brenham, TX | Handcrafted Goods | Ballad of the Bird Dog
28imdb.comBird Dog (TV Movie 2011) - IMDb
29facebook.comLog into Facebook
30thebirddogbabe.comHomepage - The Bird Dog Babe
32guide.michelin.comBird Dog � Palo Alto - a MICHELIN Guide Restaurant
33dictionary.cambridge.orgBIRD DOG | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
34indivisible.orgBird-Dogging Guide: Get Them on The Record | Indivisible
35birddogsjenison.comBird Dogs
36independentmail.comBird dogs are a thing to eat, and they're an Anderson SC original
38birddogshop.comBird Dog Shop by GSPoftheday
39gundogmag.comCan a Bird Dog Make a Good Family Pet? - Gun Dog
40yelp.comBIRD DOG - 306 Photos 133 Reviews - 525 Hudson St, New York, NY - Menu - Yelp
42birddogbaking.comBIRD DOG BAKING
43westernspirits.comBird Dog Whiskey Western Spirits Beverage Company
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45atgtitle.comWhat is Bird Dog Real Estate?
46birddogmarketinggroup.comChild Resistant Packages Unit Dose Packaging Testing : Bird Dog
48birddogoftheday.comBird Dog of the Day | Gifts for Bird Dog People
49urbandictionary.comUrban Dictionary: bird-dog
50birddogjubilee.comRock | Bird Dog Jubilee | United States
51dictionary.comBird dog Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
53abc.virginia.govBird Dog Blackberry Flavored Whiskey
54journals.lww.comExercise: Bird Dog : Strength Conditioning Journal | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error | 520: Web server is returning an unknown error
57front.moveon.orgHow to Birddog
58thesaurus.comBIRD DOG Synonyms: 418 Synonyms Antonyms for BIRD DOG | Thesaurus.com
59theraymondvenue.comThe Bird Dog The Raymond Venue
60target.comBird Dog : Target
61birddogcreative.comBird Dog Creative Events.Design.Fabrication.French Bulldogs
62birddogparking.comBird Dog Parking
63nbdca.comNational Bird Dog Circuit | The Ultimate Challenge
64tulsabirddog.comTulsa Bird Dog Association Not just a field trial club. A bird dog club; in every sense of the meaning.
65birddogdist.comHome | Bird Dog Distributors
66tripadvisor.comBIRD DOG, Palo Alto - Menu, Prices Restaurant Reviews - Tripadvisor
67totalwine.comTotal Wine More - Access to this page has been denied.
68fortunebuilders.comBird Dogging 101: A Guide For Real Estate Investors | FortuneBuilders
69spokanebirddog.comSpokane Bird Dog Association - Home
70wjbf.comYour Hometown History: Why is Waynesboro the bird dog capital of the world? | WJBF
71huronsd.comRingneck Festival and Bird Dog Challenge | Huron Hunting
72birddog.bandcamp.comMusic | Chaces / Kite Lines / Bird Dog
73birddogarts.comBird Dog Arts Group and solo exhibitions of contemporary art by California artists - Wildlife Information
75amanandhisbirddog.comA Man and His Bird Dog
76drizly.comShop Bird Dog Whiskey - Buy Bird Dog Whiskey Online | Drizly
77britannica.combird dog | Britannica
78places.singleplatform.comMenus for Bird Dog BBQ - Colorado Springs - SinglePlatform
79functionalmovement.comBird Dog - Leg Slide | Functional Movement Systems
80collinsdictionary.comBird dog definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
81theinfatuation.comBird Dog - West Village - New York - The Infatuation
82birddogstakes.comBird Dog Stakes - Field Trial, Hunt Test, Bird Dog O-1G Bird Dog > National Museum of the United States Air Force� > Display Bird Dog Babe on Apple Podcasts
85birddogclub.jonlangston.comThe Official Jon Langston Fan Club
86tomsguide.comI did 50 bird dogs a day for a week and the results surprised me | Tom's Guide
87buffalowildwings.comBird Dawgs Nearby For Delivery or Pick Up | Buffalo Wild Wings
88cessnabirddog.orgInternational Birddog Association An organization dedicated to the Cessna L-19/O-1 Bird Dog
90catalystathletics.comBanded Bird Dog - Olympic Weightlifting Exercise Library: Demo Videos, Information & More - Catalyst Athletics
91caseyunderwood.comBird Dog Decals Casey Underwood Artwork Design
92theworlds50best.comBird Dog - Palo Alto - Restaurant - 50Best Discovery
93sipwhiskey.comBuy Bird Dog Whiskey Online | Bird Dog Delivered - SipWhiskey.Com
94birddogproducts.comBird Dog Products - Quality Products @ Quality Prices Bird dog products
95birddogindustrial.comBird Dog Industrial | Real Estate Investment Firm
96girlsgonestrong.comGet the Most Out of Your Bird Dog - Girls Gone Strong
97runsignup.com15th Annual Bird dog Breakaway
98birddogbbq.comAbout Us - Bird Dog BBQ